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Girls' night: Is it time to reunite with your girlfriends?

Here you'll find tips for a perfect day or evening with just the girls. Away from the husband and kids, just for a few hours. Away from Teams meetings and half-finished home projects. Away from the drying rack that's been sitting in the middle of the living room floor for the past two or three days. Simply away from everyday life. Just for one evening.

It’s time to unwind, recharge, and create a spark of fresh energy and motivation!

Bring on the girl squad. Bring on the “World’s Best Girls”! Sip on bone-dry Sancerre – seriously – with pinkies sticking out from the stems of your wine glasses. Lots of laughter. Great vibes. Deep conversations. A bit like the good old days. That group of friends who always show up for each other, no matter what.

Fine dining

A relaxing evening at the spa

Art experiences

Thrills and excitement

A pleasant chat at a café